Nobel Peace Prize and Wesley

If you are one of the long timers at Wesley and also one of those who just can’t get rid of anything that has old pictures, you will find the name “Shuji and Masako Wada” in the 1980 Wesley UMC directory. Back then, Rev Peter Chen and Rev Frank Ohtomo were our pastors. Masako was a very active member of Wesley Nichigo, and she founded Saffron-Kai to support wives of new arrivals from Japan.
After Masako and her family went back to Japan in 1982, she became active in a grass-roots organization called Hibakusha-No-Kai, an organization for A-bomb sufferers, as she herself is a hibakusha. This organization eventually grew to be an NGO called Nihon Gensuibaku Higaisha Dantai Kyōgi-kai (Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations), known as Nihon Hidankyo, where she has been serving as assistant secretary general for many years. And this is the very Nihon Hidankyo that won The Nobel Peace Prize last Friday.
Hidankyo’s goal is a total abolition of nuclear weapons from the world, and their method is not political lobbying but telling stories of A-bomb sufferers, often of the teller him/herself. To this end, she spoke in a Working Group at the UN HQ in Geneva, and in a conference for Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons at the UN HQ in NY. She also met with Pope Francis and gave a speech at the International Conference on Disarmament at the Vatican in 2017.
In June 2019, Wesley Nichigo invited Masako and her husband, Shuji, to San Jose, and she gave a lecture titled “Toward the World without Nuclear Weapons”, in which she spoke of the work of Hidankyo and of the world where no nuclear threats exist. Many of Wesley people joined in to sign “International Signature Campaign” in support for the elimination of nuclear weapons. When the campaign ended in 2020, Hidankyo had collected 13,702,345 signatures from around the world and submitted it to UN.
In a message I received from Masako today (10/13/24), she said the work is far from over, but she intends to keep going. She thanked us for the support and sent her best regards to people at Wesley. We are proud that Wesley was once the home church of Masako, and we will continue to support Hidankyo’s work in the hope that we someday will achieve a world without nuclear weapons.
Mimune Tsukamoto
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