Umbrella Ministry Fall Prevention Workshop Resources

Resources from Stanford Health Care Injury Prevention and Community Engagement

A message from Alyssa Bowser, an Occupational Therapist Registered/Licensed with Stanford's Community Outreach and Injury Prevention Program. She led our Umbrella Ministry's Fall Prevention Workshop last month.
Here are some resources that you may share with your community and for those who weren't able to attend:
Farewell to Falls | Stanford Health Care

The CDC also has lots of wonderful information and free leaflets here in this hyperlink:
STEADI Handouts from CDC

The National Council on Aging also has resources on fall prevention that reiterates the information from our website as well as the CDC's recommendations as well. Here is the hyperlink to their information:
NCOA Fall Prevention

If there are any additional questions, please do not hesitate to send them our way to our main number: 650-724-9369 or our ( email address. Thank you again for such a warm welcome and allowing me to share my experience and expertise with your church family