Umbrella Ministry: Memoir Writing Workshop by Alice Hikido
A big, warm thank you to Alice Hikido for leading a memoir writing workshop back in October. We had a wonderful group of participants sharing stories about them-selves and their families. Also, a big thank you to Mary and Dale Sasaki and Lynn Tabuchi for providing a delicious lunch.
Alice Hikido leading the participants in a writing and sharing activity.
Amy Shiozaki sharing her family story.
Roy Takeuchi sharing a story about him and Hannah.

Roy Takeuchi, Janet Kaku, Mary Sasaki, Karen Miller, and Louise Kinoshita queue up for lunch.

Participating were: Cynthia Fukuda, Hannah and Roy Takeuchi, Pat Montgomery, Joanne Kumano and Terri Koike above and Helen Morimoto, Louise and Gene Kinoshita, Rose Morita and Florence Oishi.

Also participating were Tazuko Tengan and Betty Hayashi above and Dale Sasaki and Ed Gibo below.

Mary Sasaki and Warren and Jane Hayashi wanted to learn about Memoir writing as does Pat Higuchi and Karen Miller.

Alice Hikido is the workshop leader.

Alice Hikido gives pointers on memoir writing while Laura Kinoshita peruses examples of memoir writing from some very familiar local authors.
Posted in Newsletter 2023-11-16